IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
+91 22-2576 9411

Robust all-electrical topological valley filtering using monolayer 2D-Xenes

We propose a realizable device design for an all-electrical robust valley filter that utilizes spin protected topological interface states hosted on monolayer 2D-Xene materials with large intrinsic spin–orbit coupling. In contrast with conventional quantum spin-Hall edge states localized around the X-points, the interface states appearing at the domain wall between topologically distinct phases are either from…
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Supercurrent interference in nanowire-superconductor hybrid systems

Semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems provide a promising platform for hosting unpaired Majorana fermions towards the realization of fault-tolerant topological quantum computing. In this study we employ the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism to model quantum transport in normal-superconductor junctions.

Graphene NEMS Piezoresistor

Motivated by the recent prediction of anisotropy in piezoresistance of ballistic graphene along longitudinal and transverse directions, we investigate the angular gauge factor of graphene in the ballistic and diffusive regimes using highly efficient quantum transport models. It is shown that the angular gauge factor in both ballistic and diffusive graphene between 0∘ to 90∘…
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Enhancement of thermal spin transfer torque via bandpass energy filtering

We propose employing the energy bandpass filtering approach in a magnetic tunnel junction device as a route to enhance the thermal spin transfer torque. Using the spin-resolved non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism, we propose to harness the optical analog of anti-reflective coatings in a heterostructure MTJ device, and report a large boost in spin torque in…
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