IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
+91 22-2576 9411

Type-II Superlattice MWIR Photodetectors

Welcome to Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan's Computational Nanoelectronics & Quantum Transport Group

Type-II Superlattice MWIR Photodetectors

To provide the best possible performance, modern infrared photodetector designs necessitate extremely precise modeling of the superlattice absorber region. We advance the Rode’s method for the Boltzmann transport equation in conjunction with the 𝐤.𝐩 band structure and the envelope function approximation for a detailed computation of the carrier mobility and conductivity of layered type-II superlattice structures, using which we unravel two crucial insights. First, the significance of both elastic- and inelastic-scattering mechanisms, particularly the influence of the interface roughness and polar optical phonon scattering mechanisms in technologically relevant superlattice structures. Second, that the structure-specific Hall mobility and Hall scattering factor reveal that temperature and carrier concentrations significantly affect the Hall scattering factor, which deviates significantly from unity even for small magnetic fields. This reinforces the caution that should be exercised when employing the Hall scattering factor in experimental estimations of drift mobilities and carrier concentrations. Our research hence offers a comprehensive microscopic understanding of carrier dynamics in such technologically relevant superlattices.